29 ספטמבר 2024
1 שנה לפני
Israeli media reports that Israel delivered a message to Lebanon through international mediators, and to number of countries, that if not removed - 2 new border outposts set up by Hizbullah right on the border in the area of Mount Dov will be “removed by military force”
Prime Minister: The government is working to establish special camps for the PMU outside the cities.
1 שנה לפני
Palestinian group says Israeli airstrike targeting its positions in eastern Lebanon has killed five fighters, wounded 10
An Israeli military source denies that Israel was behind the bombing that targeted the headquarters of the "Popular Front General Command" on the Lebanese-Syrian border
1 שנה לפני
Militia of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: 5 of our members were killed and 10 wounded in an Israeli bombardment that targeted one of our positions in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon
1 שנה לפני
The Israeli army announces the downing of a drone that crossed the border from Lebanon
Israel's security cabinet to convene soon to discuss unspecified security developments on northern front
Ahrar Houran Gathering: Warplanes  likely Jordanian launch air strikes on the purification plant in the western countryside of Daraa, which contains a drug production factory supervised by militias supported by Hezbollah1 שנה לפני
Ahrar Houran Gathering: Warplanes likely Jordanian launch air strikes on the purification plant in the western countryside of Daraa, which contains a drug production factory supervised by militias supported by Hezbollah
Quneitra: And, like previously, flyers are reportedly dropped in the area warning SAA soldiers of cooperating with Hezbollah1 שנה לפני
Quneitra: And, like previously, flyers are reportedly dropped in the area warning SAA soldiers of cooperating with Hezbollah
Israeli Defense Minister: The army must prepare for war on all fronts simultaneously
הקבינט יעסוק בסקירות מודיעיניות ומבצעיות על הזירה הצפונית - סוריה ולבנון, לפי בכיר ישראליהקבינט המדיני ביטחוני יתכנס היום אחר הצהריים
1 שנה לפני
Channel 13 News: IDF is preparing for a multi frontal rocket attack or/and a massive drone strike on different regions in #Israel
1 שנה לפני
Israel on elevated alert for rocket/drone attacks from all fronts on Friday, entire nation currently covered by air defenses, @newsisrael13 reports. Quds Force chief met with Hezbollah, Hamas & Islamic Jihad leaders in Beirut last week
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Secretary General of #Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah is meeting in these hours with the head of the political bureau of #Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh and with senior of Hamas, Saleh Al-Arori.
The US State Department: We condemn the firing of missiles at Israel, and it has the right to defend itself
The Israeli army: We are investigating Iran's role in the missile launches
Israeli media citing an Israeli army spokesperson says Hamas is behind the rocket launches in northern Israel
Israeli foreign ministry instructed Israeli ambassadors to convey a message to host governments that Israel is going to retaliate to the rocket fire from Lebanon. “You need to speak to stress that Israel will take the needed steps to defend itself”, the instruction said
1 שנה לפני
The Lebanese Army issued a statement saying rockets targeting northern Israel were launched from the towns of Qlaileh, al-Maaliyah, and Zibqin
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Lebanon opens an investigation, in cooperation with UNIFIL, to find out who is responsible for launching the rockets
The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation: Most of the rockets fired from Lebanon are Katyusha and Grad models1 שנה לפני
The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation: Most of the rockets fired from Lebanon are Katyusha and Grad models
1 שנה לפני
Shelters opened in Israeli settlements on the Israel-Lebanon border
Israeli Foreign Minister: We will take all measures to protect our security
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Israeli sources: 100 missiles were launched from southern Lebanon in 10 minutes
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ארטילריה ישראלית הפגיזה את דרום לבנון בתגובה לירי רקטות
Images from one of the recent rocket impacts1 שנה לפני
Images from one of the recent rocket impacts
1 שנה לפני
At least 2 Israelis lightly hurt in rocket barrage from Lebanon; Air Force mobilizes fighter jets
1 שנה לפני
MDA raises its level of alert amid the rocket attacks from Lebanon
1 שנה לפני
Renewed rocket sirens sounding in northern towns near the Lebanon border
PM Netanyahu to hold an assessment with defense officials shortly, his office says