28 September 2024
IS insurgents in Azim, Diyala governorate claim to have killed 2 Hashd al-Sha'bi commanders and 5 other militiamen with 3 IEDs targeting Hashd patrols, damaging 2 vehicles:1 Jahr zuvor
IS insurgents in Azim, Diyala governorate claim to have killed 2 Hashd al-Sha'bi commanders and 5 other militiamen with 3 IEDs targeting Hashd patrols, damaging 2 vehicles:
1 Jahr zuvor
Khamenei: They failed in Lebanon. This new contract between Lebanon and the usurping Zionist government over maritime borders, gas fields, etc. was a defeat for the US. Because the US said it should happen the way they wanted. But Hezbollah overturned all those plots
Lebanese President: We concluded the maritime border agreement so that no war would break out
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Israeli raids target trucks loaded with missiles belonging to the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, which were transferred from Damascus Airport to be targeted on the Al-Sabourah - Dimas road in the western Damascus countryside.
Israel PM says the agreement with Lebanon diminishes the chances of war with Hezbollah
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Reuters, citing Lebanese officials: Hezbollah has agreed to the maritime border demarcation agreement with Israel
Israeli army Gantz instructed Israeli DF to prepare for an escalation in Israel's northern border with Lebanon given the developments in border negotiations
Talks between Israel and Lebanon over the Harish gas field have collapsed, after @yairlapid refused to accept the latest demands from Lebanon
Lebanese prime minister Najib Mikati says the maritime border deal with Israel will prevent a regional war
The red line to us is that there should not be extraction from Karish, Iran backed Hezbollah chief  warned Israel Yesterday, Israeli Defense Minister Gantz @gantzbe warned Nasrallah if he attacks Karish gas field, Lebanon will pay the price2 Jahr zuvor
"The red line to us is that there should not be extraction from Karish", Iran backed Hezbollah chief warned Israel Yesterday, Israeli Defense Minister Gantz @gantzbe warned Nasrallah "if he attacks Karish gas field, Lebanon will pay the price"
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4 members of the "Liwa al-Quds" militia were killed and two others were wounded in an attack by unknown gunmen targeting a military patrol in the Palmyra desert, east of Homs.
Defense Minister Gantz reveals a map of military facilities across Syria he alleges are used to manufacture precision missiles by Iran for Hezbollah2 Jahr zuvor
Defense Minister Gantz reveals a map of military facilities across Syria he alleges are used to manufacture precision missiles by Iran for Hezbollah
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A bomb detonated outside the house of Hezbollah-backed Lebanese caretaker public works minister Ali Hamieh on Thursday in the eastern Bekaa Valley. His office says the explosive wrapped in electrical wires was detonated in his garden outside his home
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Hezbollah has issued a statement lauding yesterday's attack against a bus carrying Israeli army recruits in the Jordan Valley. The attack resulted in a number of wounded soldiers and the arrest of two attackers
The Israeli army: A military exercise for our forces on the Lebanese border will continue until next Tuesday evening
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Nasrallah: "We agreed in Hezbollah to send the other type of drones which the enemy can shoot down for a certain goal; we forced the Israelis to open fire from the sea and the air in response to the drones we sent and they fell into our trap
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Nasrallah: "Hezbollah has a type of drones that can tour and return without being shot down, and the Israeli enemy failed to bring down the third drone and didn't mention it because it fell into the sea
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Israeli army shot down a drone launched from southern Lebanon and flew over Israeli airspace in northern Israel
Israeli media: The Israeli army decides to surround the border settlement of Metulla with walls to prevent the infiltration of Hezbollah fighters
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A Lebanese citizen was arrested by the @Israeli army after infiltrating into northern Israel near Misgav Am on Sunday evening
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Lebanon border incident: Israeli forces capture suspect who crossed into Israel, entered abandoned military post
The Israeli army: The economic waters are part of Israel and are not a conflict area and there is no discussion about it
Video of the interception of unarmed drones reportedly flown by Hezbollah heading towards the Karish gas platform in Israel's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). From the footage they might be Samad variant reconnaissance drones2 Jahr zuvor
Video of the interception of unarmed drones reportedly flown by Hezbollah heading towards the Karish gas platform in Israel's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). From the footage they might be Samad variant reconnaissance drones
2 Jahr zuvor
Israeli army shot down three Hezbollah drones heading for the Karish gas field today, using F16 jets and navy ships
The Special Tribunal for Lebanon: Life sentences against two Hezbollah members in the Hariri assassination case
The Israeli army: We are monitoring Hezbollah operatives in the border fence area and will destroy the infrastructure in the villages they use
PM Bennett: "The era of immunity for the Iranian government is over. Whoever finances militants, whoever arms militants, whoever sends militants - will bear the full expenses”
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Leader of the Hezbollah group, Hassan Nasrallah, on Wednesday, warned against Israeli "violations" at the Temple Mount
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Hassan Nasrallah: Among the achievements that have been achieved is the dismantling of the enemy's project and the establishment of the equation of deterrence and protection
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Nasrallah told off Hezbollah and Amal "supporters" who were chanting "Shia, Shia" during the election period saying it was unnecessary and damaging. He also said celebratory gunfire "haram". "If any Hezbollah member uses gun for celebration he is being disciplined"